Save As ( Drawing Editor )
Tool summary :
Also see :
- Drawing Editor (where Save As is a tool)
- User Created details ( Hide Items option)
- The "New..." button (for creating an new, blank file)
- The "Save As" button (creates a copy of a drawing) (
- Save Reuse (similar to Save As , but for sheets and other drawings)
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Step by step instructions :
1 . While accessing a member detail , job standard detail , global standard detail , reference drawing , symbol , global symbol , or sheet outline , invoke Save As using any one (1) of the following methods.
Method 1 : Click the Save As icon. The icon can be taken from the group named ' File ' and placed on a toolbar (classic) or the ribbon (lightning).
Method 2 : If " Drawing Editor layout style " is ' Classic ', you can use the menu system to choose File > Save As.
Method 3, 4 or 5 : Save As can also be invoked using a keyboard shortcut , the context menu , or a mode . For the ' Lightning ' layout style, configuration of the interface is done using Customize Interface .
2 . Skip this step if your current drawing is a member detail or sheet outline. If your current drawing is a standard detail or a global standard detail or reference drawing , you get a dialog box with the following options. Note: The reference point of the standard detail is shown on screen.
File description: A text string of up to 20 characters (spaces are allowed) that you want to appear as the " File description " on the Drawing Data window. This " File description " also appears in a Job Standards Report or a Global Standards Report . The entry made here applies only to the new file that you will save in step 3.
Change reference point:
. If this box is checked (
) when you press " OK " to close this window, Verify Reference Point will be invoked, allowing you to relocate the reference point of the new file you are saving. Leave the box not checked (
) if you don't want to move the reference point.
Alternative 1 : Press the " OK " button to apply the choices made to this dialog. Go to step 3.
Alternative 2 : Press " Cancel " to close this window and end the Save As operation. Do not continue.
3 . The Name Required dialog opens. On it is a single entry field.
Drawing name: A text string of up to 61 characters (spaces allowed) that you want to use as the file name of the drawing that you will create & save when you press " OK ."
Alternative 1 : Press " OK " to create & save the new drawing. Go to step 4.
Alternative 2 : Press " Cancel " to end the Save As operation and keep everything as it was before step 1. Do not continue.
4 . The new drawing with whatever name you gave it in step 3 is now your current drawing. This new file was saved to disk when you pressed " OK " in step 3.